If You Have "off" Times How Long Do They Last? If Your Off Before Your Next Dose Is Due Do
You take it early? How long does it take your meds to work after you take them?
Great question @A MyParkinsonsTeam Member. For me the timing of medication is crucial. I take 50/200ER sinemet every three hours. I also take 25/100 and chew up if I am really "off" my meds. Doing the 25/100 gets into my system much quicker.
There are many other factors that might play a role in medication "off" periods. For me the big one is stress. If my world is stressful my meds do not work or have the duration like they normally do.
We all have stress to deal with. I am going through more than normal right now so I do things that I enjoy in an attempt to reduce. I hope this helps 😊
@A MyParkinsonsTeam Member,
Great question! Not sure that I can completely answer it. I have been told to take most medications for PD with carbonated beverages to maximize the absorption. Don't take your meds within an hour before or after eating, especially when it's protein.
I agree with BryanShep, a lot depends on the stress that I am dealing with, but I would add that it can be good stress or bad stress! To me, they are the same.
My off times are getting longer and longer. The Duopa pump is supposed to stop that.
I hope that helps!
@A MyParkinsonsTeam Member,
My doctor does a lot of teaching me about my Parkinson's, mainly because we live far away and she says that I am very self-aware, so she trusts my judgement with my extra doses. I usually have to take an extra pill when I struggling to get my legs and/or arm to calm down. I take the extra if it meets these criteria: I took my normal medication on time and I am still having trouble at least an hour or so after my normal dosing. In other words, I take the extra between my normal dosing. I try very hard not to take more than one extra pill a day. Mainly, because you can create more problems than you have,I.e.,hallucinations , psychosis, heightened penchant towards addictive behaviors.
I also "count the costs" about the extra pill and what's coming in my day. That is, I take the extra pill if I am having a stressful situation in the afternoon or evening and I can feel that my normal dosage is not doing it for me.
My medication normally takes 50 minutes kick in! I realize that is a long time, Rytary is timed released dopamine. The blessing of timed released medication is that its slow to turn off. This can be problematic when I wake up and need to jump out of bed immediately. It ain't happening until the meds kickin! 😏
I hope this blessed you !!
@A MyParkinsonsTeam Member Hello Jody I know that the medication is only as affective as your body can absorb it. I am on a drugs trial and I know that when I get assessed without taking my drugs , once I have completed that assessment I am given a dose of medication to help switch me on again. If I know I'm not constipated I will switch on within 10 minutes and If I take longer sometimes nearly an hour I know that I have too many toxins in my body.
However it is really important to ensure you take your medication on time every day if possible. I am ridged with my medication which is at 8am 12 midday 4pm 8 pm and midnight. Sometimes I have a lie in and go to bed just that bit sooner , but true to form it can have a bit of a unsettled time with me taking my medication too early . But every now and again I can tolerate because I know my body. Just remember what works for me may not work for you . It is about you, so always try something out for at least 3 months at a time to give it a fair and realistic opportunity to enable you to notice a difference if there is any. Keep a diary it works wonder's . I hope this is helpful - Good luck
@A MyParkinsonsTeam Member, I hope you don't mind me answering your question. I don't know if you would be able to see every question I have answered if it isn't on th e Question and answer page that I am writing on now. I have written replies to individual people who I have acknowledged with a Like or hug.
I'm new to this site so I haven't a clue what you can or cannot see yet.
I will look for some information that I wrote and will try to cut and paste it for your interest. Keep well Ltd speed
What Do You Do When You Miss Your Regular Dose Of Medication?
How Long Do Your Off Times Last
I Have Been Diagnosed With Vascular Parkinson's Which Affects My Walking And Sometimes My Balance.