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I Have Been Diagnosed With Vascular Parkinson's Which Affects My Walking And Sometimes My Balance.

A MyParkinsonsTeam Member asked a question đź’­
Carrollton, TX

I was recently given this diagnosis which affects my walking. Is there anyone who has any comments or suggestions regarding the best treatment for this? I do shuffle my feet a lot and sometimes my balance is affected. I try to stay away from salty food and caffeine.

June 24, 2016
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A MyParkinsonsTeam Member

Start a walking regimine, but slowly at first. Ask a physical therapist or Parkinson's exercise specialist for gait training. They should help you work on a 'heal forward and roll to toe' process to overcome the shuffling.

June 29, 2016
A MyParkinsonsTeam Member

This was part of my beginning. Ithought it was a result of a fall I took while bending over to pick up a lid blown off my trash van.I found I was quite dizzy at the time. and it was allergy season. Since then I was put on sinemet and joined the PWR gym. By following the exercises everyday and going 3 times a week things definitely have improved. I can't recomend this more highly.

June 25, 2016
A MyParkinsonsTeam Member

The best thing I can do for my symptoms is keep moving anyway you can. push through the hard times as best you can. If I shuffle I stop then start marching with arms swinging back and forth exaggerate your movements. Joint pain comes with the territory, pain on the upper part of my feet is caused by the flexing of my toes. I take stool softeners for constipation and try to get more fiber into my diet. The fatigue is what gets me and the cloud over me a slight depression of sorts no fun at all!
On the other hand I ride a bike a stationary one in winter and an actual one outside this keeps my legs from getting too weak. I have been learning to play a mandolin which is near impossible with my fingers not wanting to move at times however it is good when I am feeling good. I use a tripod to photograph birds and take photos without also. My meds are barely dong the job for me. I have had PD for 11 yrs going on 12 this July and I am waiting for that stem cell therapy to be done with it's trials in Australia. That will be a relief for many when they do approve it. Oh and one more thing do as much as you can without help. the more you do the more you can do! Well that is my two bits hang in everyone keep on keeping on

May 28, 2020
A MyParkinsonsTeam Member

I was diagnosed with atypical parkinso about 4 years ago, it was further changed to vascular parkinson which ia s variant of atypical parkinson. Never had any tremor of any kind, no medication now used for parkinson seem to help with my symptoms whick are mostly freezing, balance, constpation,swallowing and urgency in urination. my neurologist diagnosed me now as MSA (Multiple Systems Atrophy)., My freezing stiffness and balance problems has progressed rapidly during the past 6_8 monhts. Hope and pray that you have better luck and feeling better.GOD BLESS. I also found out that daily exercise makes me feel better

June 26, 2016 (edited)
A MyParkinsonsTeam Member

I've had Parkinsons for over 20 years. Used to be a
ff/Emt-P, DMT-Ă€. now frequent hospital trips from falling. As you walk concentrate on a crack, anything, now step on it. That works for me.

February 26, 2023

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