Focused Ultrasound Treatment For Parkinson's - Trials In Thalamotomy (tremor Dominate) And Pallidotomy (dyskinesia Dominate)
Focused ultrasound is a completely non-invasive way to perform the lesioning procedure described above without exposing the patient to potentially harmful ionizing radiation. Using this treatment modality in conjunction with image guidance, the physician directs a focused beam of acoustic energy through the patient’s scalp, skull, and brain to thermally coagulate a small area of the brain, thereby destroying targeted tissue without damaging nearby tissue or the tissues through which the beam… read more
@A MyParkinsonsTeam Member
Thanks for continuing to find useful information for us. I have heard of it but you have given me a lot better information on it than I have had before. And thank you, Gail, for adding another link for us. Keep living in the moment, that is all there really is.
There is a lot info to process. I read a theory that an early concussion with disc involvement and a chiropractic treatment can lessen the symptoms. There may be some simple unorthodox answer that might help with the tremors. Since the number of high profile PDs have been cropping up lately more focus has been shone on PD in general.
Thank you Alan for keeping us up to date. I love your positivity (I think someone told em that was a real word ;) ) I recall hearing about this but had not known it was in the clinical trial phase. Do you know how long the trials are scheduled to last? Is anyone saying when they think this may be available as a normal course of treatment? I know the US will be 5 years behind when the Israelis and Europe "commercialize"this treatment. Big I hold off on DBS???? ......tremor is my major symptom.
Kimberly was the first to receive the treatment at the University of Maryland and has become a friend of mine. She is the one biking in the video.
Last year both my husband (Parkie) and I (carer) participated in a study through the university where we live. We both had to wear tight bands on our heads that directed light into our skull. Someone on the computer end documented what ever results they were looking for.
We were put through rigorous testing cognitively, walking with a harness on a treadmill while reciting the alphabet backwards, etc. Through all the testing my husband seemed to get worse in his symptoms. More than what I would call normal for him. We were unable to finish the test that day and had scheduled a return date. After comparing notes together we decided not to put him through all that again. I really felt the lights affected him in a negative way.
Has Anyone Ever Heard Of FUS? Sound Waves To Treat Tremors
Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS)
Focused Ultrasound