Has Anyone Been Diagnosed With Progressive Supranuclear Palsy....otherwise Known As PSP.? It Is A Atypical Parkinsonian Disease.
I recently saw a new neurologist who diagnosed my with PSP. As I understand it it affects the eyes. He also asked my to try Rytary which I have been on for about a month and find that is helping me in my motor skills.
@A MyParkinsonsTeam Member. Thanks for your encouragement. I was diagnosed in Feb. 2013 by a neurologist and in 2014 changed to a movement specialist at Loma Linda University then Jan 2016 I asked to see another doctor within the same group because I had lost confidence in this doctor.. My new neurologist is the one who diagnosed me with PSP. Also I have trouble, freezing, walking, and turning so he signed me up for BIG therapy, ( I begin it next week) which I took about one year ago. I have an appointment with him at the end of this month and plan to ask him more questions about my prognosis, etc. I have quite a list going!
@A MyParkinsonsTeam Member. Hello...I have not been diagnosed with same as you but they do call me Atypical Parkinson's. I do have problems with my eyes as well. I just looked into Rytary just today and my neurologist thinks I need to balance my meds at this point to see what reactions are still there. Had a stay in the hospital because something caused my inability to walk so my meds were "re-arranged", hence the need to stabilize number, time and dosage. Tell me more about your symptoms. Thank you. Sterling
@A MyParkinsonsTeam Member... I too was put on Rytary.. and Well, I couldn't tolerate it.! First off, let me tell you a little bit about Myself and my Diagnoses.! I Was Diagnosed With Early Onset Parkinson's Disease At the age of 39, And to add to that I Had Progressive SupraNuclear Palsy, of which is the most aggressive form of the disease.! So The Neurologists Put me on MiraPex for the first time, And because of my age, And overall Good Health, They stated that I Was a perfect candidate for the D.B.S IMPLANTS Surgery.! Of Which I didn't want too, as I was OverWhelmed by the fact that I Was Diagnosed With Early On Parkinson's Disease in the first place, Let alone the fact that it was the most aggressive form of the disease.? Although I have too say, I kinda figured that I Had Parkinson's about 3 years Prior to the actual diagnosis.! But It Is A Shock to hear the Doctors Say it.!
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@A MyParkinsonsTeam Member. Hi Alice. I still don't know any more about PSP. Tell me more about your eyes. Can you follow an object in front..up and down and sideways? Apparently, that is a big problem for someone with PSP. Have you learned anything new since we posted each other last? Stay close. Sterling
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