TO ALL TEAM MEMBERS. Tobacco Use Question: MY SUMMARY. It has been difficult to determine the outcome of tobacco use to fight Parkinson's. There are, according to the few responses that I have received, very few smokers on this team. I need a few more responses to make a conclusion. There are well over 1000 team members on Team Sterling so if a few more of you would tell their story and history, past, present and future, I can get a better "read" on this subject.
Do any of you plan to try it… read more
Dear @A MyParkinsonsTeam Member. You need a huge dose of God's MERCY and GRACE. What do you think is causing all the falls...concussions or PD or both??...these are serious falls.
I know you might find this response unusual...but if you have a "spiritual core" ask God to allow you to enter the Kingdom of your Heavenly Father while still living on earth. From there, you will become aware that you are a child of God and although God still wishes you to have worldly experiences (GOOD AND BAD i.e. Parkinson's) He will not rescue you from your fate. But your fate does not have to include falling and being harmed as much as you have. God has no favorites but will give attention to those such as yourself, when sincerely and unselfishness asking for His Mercy and protection. Next, if you find any redemption at all...pass it along to others who are hurt and in pain. Hope to see you soon enjoying and walking in the Kingdom of Heaven while you're still here.
Did I hear correctly when you said you are over 80? I don't think I have told you anything new here. But we can call this a "refresher" course.
May God Abide. Sterling
Hi All, when I posed the question, I was actually trying to get some facts to go along with what my neurologist had said to me. "Non smokers tend to be more susceptible to contracting PD or AL". Now I am not saying that this is true or that it's a cure for PD, I'm merely attempting to see if this COULD be true. My Mother in law died at the age of 80 from Dementia having been a heavy smoker (60+ per day) for most of her life and my wife too died from AL and she was also a heavy smoker, although when she contracted AL she simply forgot how to smoke and never smoked again . I am a smoker and I don't see it helping me with my PD except it does afford me the option of smoking MJ which certainly alleviates my tremors better than any of my medications. Just to add some more information, I attended a local support group meeting the other day and I posed the question to them, and out of twenty people there I was the only smoker!
Don't smoke never have. Nasty , expensive habit .
I have never smoked but grew up in a home with parents who smoked like chimneys.The air was blue so I must have inhaled a pack a day .I went 25 yrs without there being smoke in the house and for the last 23 I have lived with a smoker. I still have PD So that didn't protect me.I hate smoking.
I have never used tobacco products and never will. In those states where marijuana is legal (medically or recreation) , has that helped anyone?
Does Anyone Have A Hard Time Hooking Their Cars Seatbelt Due To Their Hands Being Weak And Shaking?
If There Are Any Cigar Smokers Out There Does An Occasional Cigar Worsen Your Symptoms?
I’m Looking For Something That Works For Nausea.