Has Anyone Read The Book Goodbye Parkinson's,
Hello Life
Hi, yes, I bought the book on Amazon. I thought it was good, it's a fairly short book and talks a lot about how your thinking and how you think about life affect your Parkinson's, which I agree with. The author also suggests rather intensive exercises, like dancing, and conducting and just free flow movement and expression for about 30 minutes a day. On YouTube you can look up the book and there's a video of the author demonstrating all the exercises and movements. It was a bit much for me and I got a little over tired but I probably should have started doing maybe 10 or 15 minutes a day and work up. It was fun though since I really enjoy dancing.
Yes I have read the book and it is very optimistic, but I couldn't see how to do the exercises on my own. I think you need a class to share the experience and a trainer to help you achieve the correct movements. It requires some dedication to carry out intensive practice.
Thanks Sterling. Yes I did have a very wonderful birthday earlier this month. Celebrated with friends and family. Currently I'm in St Louis, MO visiting my Mom and Sister who I see once a year. April is a good month. Traveling is difficult/stressful, but I'm hanging in there.
No I haven't but will get a copy to add to my collection you can never have too much information I wish I have had these books when I was first diagnosed
I saw on ABC News a video about bicycling and Parkinsons, how it can reduce the symtoms to almost nothing. Has anyone tried it?
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