What Are The Stages Of This And How Fast Does It Progress
Hi Cindy
I will try to find a link to a very long YouTube medical lecture that gives a very detailed lecture on the symptoms and progression of PD.
What Impressed me about the lecture was that their were generally three stages each of 3 to 6 years in length. However different people exhibit different symptoms during each stage. A fast progression was conisidered to be 3 years for each stage, so 9 years total. At the other end with 6 years per stage it would take 18 years to progress through 3 stages.
Another article implied that PD was generally a slow progression disease.
I will try to locate the YouTube reference and post it here.
I was diagnosed in1993 and my symptoms seem to be piling one upon the other now. My progression has been very slow and I believe it has been because I kept myself very active in every way possible. I have done so well with keeping progression at bay that my son does not believe the diagnoses even though 4 neurologists have given the same diagnosis. Now I have a hard time getting medical attention even though a specialist in Parkinson's confirmed the diagnosis. But don't worry. Keep yourself active and exercise plays a big part in slowing progression I believe.
I located the Youtube video I referred to earlier. It is quite long and technical. It's titled
:Medications for Parkinson's Disease - Professor Mal Horne, The Florey". The website is
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8inn8nayam0. The timeline chart can be found at about 38 minutes into the lecture.
Another discussion "Progression of Parkinson's Disease" at the Youtube website https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pKdhEPEc20Q discusses the two additional pre-motor phase of Parkinsons with ample qualifiaction of variability from person to person.
Youtube has many other presentation on Parkinsons, some which are quite empathetic to the emotional difficulties associated with this desease.
Hope these help.
I am encouraged by what you say. Same thing, but I am newly Dx'd and suspect b/c of my physical fitness level, visible symptoms may lay low. Only time will tell and the treatment is the same, either way: good nutrition, exercise and stress management. I need to remove alcohol/toxins from my diet. It sounds easier than it is. Bad habits are hard to break!
I believe that each person varies from stage to stage.
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How Quickly Does This Progress?
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