Who Has Seen The Report On Peddling A Bike And PD? Anthe Bike Riders Outo There Who Can Attest To This?
Oh yes! I ride my stationary bike 25miles/ day. I had to have surgery. Couldn't ride for sbout 5 wks. Had to increase meds. Now I'm back riding only a couple of weeks. Better already.,
I've seen it also. Bike. Bike. Received email from someone about a YMCA PD biking program. Quote..."I don't have PD when I ride a bike." Also, case of a marathoner who had to stop running marathons because of PD, who did bike and who now is running marathons again. From what I heard, no one knows yet why, but something is going on. Sort of like aspirin. No one knows why it works way it does...it just does.. So..bike, bike. Stationary (if balance is an issue) or on road. On road..wear helmet.
My husband got a 3 wheel trike. After he rides he is much more steady on his feet. Read something about bike riding helping PD in another forum.
Yes! Also heard about biking and PD, seems to help. So we should bike. I encourage JV to play tennis. Keeps brain active, feet moving. Every shot is different requires reaction. We need to help each other and ourselves.
My husband borrowed a 3 wheeled Cat Tirke from a group in Richmond called Sportables. My son is an avid rider and thought his dad would enjoy it to. He had to return this bike after 6 months. He sees his doctor at a PD Center of Excellence at the local VA hospital. He connected with the adaptive sports dept. and they found a grant so now he has his own bike. There was an article about him last month in the Richmond Magazine along with my son and grandson. Glad he has this outlet and we have a wonderful neighborhood to ride in. He also trail rides on a trail designed especially for the disabled at a local state park. It has given him a new outlook!
Has Anyone Had Experience With IP6?
I Am Having So Much Trouble Being Heard And Words Being Understood. I Hate To Be In Bunch Of People Because They Do Not Understand Me.
Does Anyone Else Feel Bad In The Morning?