Did Carsten, The Butler In Downton Abbey Have Parkinson's?
This is the least important question you'll address today. In the US, we saw the finale of Downton Abbey this weekend but the Brits saw the finale many months ago. We all noticed the Carsten the butler had tremors. Has there been any additional discussion (maybe in the UK) about his having Parkinson's? Did anybody ask the writer, Julian Fellowes, what his intentions were?
Found a couple of tidbits:
@A MyParkinsonsTeam Member, according to this morning's Chicago Tribune: "they, (the writers), made it abundantly clear that his illness was limited to shaky hands (so not Parkinson's)". The Tribune was being critical of all the happy endings there were in the last episode, so they think the writers down played his illness. Let's face it, his grandfather had it, his father had it, and now he has it. Everyone on MPT knows what he has. As usual, it was misdiagnosed at the outset. Don't be surprised, if in the future, Mrs. Hughes signs on as one of our new members!
I thoroughly enjoyed this series, as I have all that MPBN delivers. With regard to Mr. Carson...I do think he'll be getting wonderful care from his new Bride, no matter what the diagnosis. They are strong together.and for each other.
It was the first thing that came to mind for us @A MyParkinsonsTeam Member. We said in unison "Parkinsons." It would be an interesting plot line were it not the last episode.
I thought I was the only one who caught that!- Loved the series- My paternal relatives all died fairly early- in their 50's/early 60's (cancer) so I do not know if anyone had PD- I do remember my Dad's hands tapping at times but didn't think much of it.
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