Has Anyone Had A N Original Diagnosis Changed From Parkinson's To Multiple System Atrophy?
Mmy original diagnosis was atypical, parkinson, the vascular variety but after my synptoms progresed rapidly during the last 6-8 months it changed to MSA and I am not happoy about it
It,s not a definite but a possibility because i am not responding to drug treatment and the progression is relatively quick. Other indicators are speech, breathing, posture.
Parkinson's disease is a longer period of life and you respond well to medication for quite a very long time. While with MSA the medication is short lived and symptoms progress more rapidly.
I haven't been responding either to the medication. I started out low dose a year ago and now on 50/200 extended release 6x daily. Not as much as some but I think it is a lot.
The tilt table test last from minutes ( like mine) up to an hour before you may or may not pass out. Fun test. I now call it the torture table test.
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