Do You Have Any Idea About What Caused You To Contract Parkinson's?
What caused your loss of Dopamine which led to Parkinson's?
Dear @A MyParkinsonsTeam Member,
You have described my "first transition" on how I felt when I faced my reality with Stage 3 PD - that I could not verbalize, you have done in very well and eloquently... Bravo Lyn, I am so very proud of you accepting this new reality, and making the necessary adjustment, so that can enjoy the best possible Quality of Life while we are still on this earth !
You are the best, God bless you ! Rest well, warm hugs, my love, and peace be with you... Alan
Just as parkinsons affects each individual in such different ways, I think that there are as many different symptoms which prompted each of us to schedule that first appointment with a neurologist. One thing that keeps popping up in people's stories is a shoulder issue -- rotator cuff issues, etc, Sound familiar?
I was just reading that there may be a link between statin use and PD. One study in 2008 stated statins could help prevent PD and another study indicated a link between statin use and PD. That study was published in Dec. of 2015
Hello Sterling,
Well how I contracted Parkinson't will likely remain a mystery. All of my biological grandfathers died at a very young age, so there is no history on them. My Parkinson's my have come from my environment. I grew up in a mining and smelting town. I subsequently went to work in the mines, then after a 4-year machinist apprenticeship where I had to work in the mine, smelter and zinc plant machine shops, I subsequently ended up in the zinc plant. During this 18-years, I was exposed to lead, zinc, cadmium, antimony, mercury and a host of chemicals used to process these metals. I lived under this environmental shadow of one of the worlds largest lead smelters until they closed in 1981.
So, if this type of environment can contribute to Parkinson's, I could certainly be a recipient of all that exposure. I just don't know. I did read somewhere that there has been some studies done regarding Machinists, and there exposure to commercial chemicals such as high powered solvents.
So for now and my situation, the jury is still out and likely will be until after I'm gone. I don't know if any of this information helps or not, but it is all that I have.
Take care, and have a good day.
It is in the processed food we eat , the MSG's , the fluoride in the toothpaste to brush your teeth. Its in your deodorant ,lipstick, makeup , etc. I have started to go all natural with as much as I can. I feel a lot better . Watch the amount of red meat (protein) you eat , take your meds 1 hour before eating to give it time to get to your brain.. All of this helps. Also watch your sugar intake.
How Many Out There Have Parkinsonism? Do You Know The Difference Between Parkinsonism And Parkinson's?
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