Vision Changes In Parkinson's
As we grow older, it is normal to experience age-related eye problems. These changes usually have nothing to do with Parkinson’s. If you are having vision problems, it is important to visit an ophthalmologist first.
Vision Changes in Parkinson’s
There are some vision changes that may be due to Parkinson’s or medications for PD
•Double vision can occur due to medications or because the eyes have trouble working together, also called convergence insufficiency. Special prism glasses can… read more
@A MyParkinsonsTeam Member
Thanks for helping me come out from beneath a rock, I've worn glasses now for 55 years, and never had a Ophthalmologist mention it, probably because they were trying to help me with " blindness " ~9 correction lol Alan
My husband who has PD has had blurred vision, some double vision and progressive lenses caused him to see shadows, especially when riding in a car and a "shadow" crossed the road in front of us. He got single vision glasses for distance and sees much better. His cataract surgeon must have studied neurology as well for he told us that he wrote several papers and spoke on PD and its effects on the eyes. So thankful for him.
@A MyParkinsonsTeam Member
Absolutely Dianne.... I have a great PCP doctor, and when I first started to adjust to my PD meds (12 tabs Sinemet 25/100mg and 4 Comtan 200mg) - I experienced "light headedness", "dizziness", and "feelings of fainting / failing"...
Within 2 days, and slight reductions in my blood pressure meds, all of those symptoms went away !
This was 6 years ago, when my first evaluation put me at Stage 3 PD.... Once getting all of my meds to work together I have been fine, with a fantastic quality of life.... Alan
Interesting about eye closure as Ron's eyes are shut a lot and I have to prompt him to open them-- I need to try eye drops to see if that helps.
I, too have hair loss. I always had thick hair, even after it turned grey. Now, it is thin, thin, thin. I attribute it to medications, but maybe it is the Parkinson's. Who knows? It is what it is.
Trouble With Vision
Has Anyone Noticed That Their Vision Is Getting Worse?
In 3 Husbands Neurologist Went From Saying He Was First Steps Of PD To Dementia. This Is In Form Of A Question?