I Want To Know If Anyone Has A Problem With COMPULSIVE BEHAVIOR??? I Do With Gambling .
I take Duopa (levodopa /carbrdopa). And Requip
I have a gambling problem from Mirapex and had to switch off of it but the damage was done already. Has anyone had any success in sueing these manufactures of MIrapex, requip and nupro patch? These side affects really ruined my life more that Parkinson's has
DBS is an amazing miracle that changed my partner's life ( PD) and in that process mine too. It's been 5 years since both sides have been done and he recently just had his battery replaced. In the initial phase,, he was able to drop his dosage and many side effects from the other meds disappeared. Now however, his mood and judgment change frequently. Of course it is never HIS disease, it's my fault for always doing something to provoke his behavior. For that reason, we live apart now but see each other 4-5 times a week. I worry about him, but this gives him independence for as long as possible. PD is a cruel disease.
Yes I have called about the addiction of the drugs first thing they ask you is the amount of money you have spent it has to be very very large amount I have a gambling problem and had it since I've been on requip about 10 years for
restless leg syndrome and now Parkinson
YES! My husband has Parkinson's and we used to visit Las Vegas (we owned a home here) from CA on a monthly basis. He gambled and ran up several credit cards unbeknownst to me. I researched it and thought it was the Ropinole that he was on that caused this behavior, but I recently found out that it is also the Carbidopa/Levadopa that causes it as well. Because you need those drugs for Parkinson's and we now live in Vegas, I monitor how often he goes gambling and how long. I discovered that if you were addicted to smoking, shopping, eating, sex - this is the main reason the drugs affect you in this way. For those people that are not addicted to the above, they don't seem to have this problem. If you know you have this problem and you have been addicted to something like smoking, etc., try to quit smoking. At best - try to find something to keep you busy. You will need someone to help you because it is tuff believe me.
My neurologist is always asking about compulsive behaviours which are known to be caused by medications. Not sure of levo/carbo but Sifrol has a warning in th info pages.. Obsessive Shopping and gambling are supposedly danger signs. 💐
What Do I Do If I've Noticed That I've Been Doing Obsessive Compulsive Behaviors, Is There A Way I Can Ask For Help Without Looking Crazy?
Distracted Husband
Obsessive Behaviour