Is There Anyone Here With Parkinson's That Is A Spouse Of A Vietnam Veteran?
I would just like to know how many spouses of veteran's have Parkinson's. I know PD is on the list of agent orange diseases for Vietnam veterans. I also think children of the vets could be covered under this list. I just wander if the agent orange toxins couldn't be absorbed or transferred from vet to spouse. Agent orange was a toxin and toxins can be absorbed, correct? Does anyone know of studies that have been done for this? I know of no one in either side of my family that ever had… read more
I have done research on this and to date the government refuses to acknowledge anything but specific birth defects and primarily from female vets exposed.Myself,my dgtr and son have genetic mutations for an unknown abnormal heart rhythm-my dgtr passed away 6 yrs ago from this.I know have PD and I have had 2 young cousins(in their 30's) diagnosed with breast cancer whose fathers served in nam and were exposed(one died from her cancer at 36)-no family history of cancers or PD until our generation.there is a website where children and grandchildren of nam vets list a ton of "new diseases" in their families in these generations and people have filed complaints with the VA but the clusters of cancers,birth defects and PD are being refused except a few birth defects.Not only is agent orange exposure a problem but the pesticide use in growing our food which is in the soil and water and the long term mercury exposure buildup in our bodies from vaccines and chemically treated and fluoridated water are issues.I know I sound like a conspiracy nut but you can look back pre wwII and post wwii and see a dramatic rise in autoimmune,cancer and neurological disorders which is when our government to recoup the financial loss of unused chemical weapons allowed them to be used as pesticide for "increasing crop yields".(don't sleep much and spend a lot of time reading and researching lol.)
@A MyParkinsonsTeam Member think I would do that. It is the only thing where you might get answers.
@A MyParkinsonsTeam Member - yes, my first husband, a Vietnam vet, is okay, hope yours is too. (We are still in touch, though divorced and each happily remarried 26 years ago.) I don't know his degree of exposure to Agent Orange. If any toxic substance triggered my PD, I'd be more suspicious of pesticides that were liberally used in homes and gardens during my childhood, but who knows. It would be useful to learn more about research into the possibilities of genetic differences that could increase one's susceptibility to neurological changes from exposure to toxins.
I've been wondering about this lately myself. I just realized that my symptoms began about 3 years after I divorced my Viet Man veteran hubby. Coincidence?
also worth mentioning...we eat a lot of chemicals in our so called, "food" I call it "nonfood" we ingest... these weren't assertions pre WW2
If You Have Parkinson's, Are You A Spouse Of A Vietnam Veteran?
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