Has Anyone Tried Or Heard Anything About The Balance Wear Weighted Vest?
Hi There,
Has anyone heard anything about the Balance Wear weighted vest for gait and balance. Wondering if this could help? Medicare covers this? I have not heard of anyone using it and I could use some serious help with my gait and balance. Any thoughts? Thanks!
Unfortunately I've found PD docs don't know everything about all of the symptoms! Not sure what their forum for learning is but sites like this would be good for them to see.
At my PD therapy clinic the other day, one therapist put the vest on me. I walked a few minutes with it on. I'm not sure what it is supposed to do but it is heavy!! Another day a different therapist put an ankle weight and a wrist weight on my left side (my weaker side). This really helped my gait, balance etc.
When you do- let me know what you think. Insurance can cover i- so I would think it is somewhat legitimate. Looks good to me- I always question it when my neurologist and physical therapist never heard of it- I would think Parkinson's doc;s would know about this if it could help. The videos are impressive. Thanks
i googled this...pretty interesting stuff...yes I will be checking this out..no I had not heard of this ..Thanks for the question !!
Thank you Summer. I will be changing Doctors soon. Take care. XXX
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