Has Anyone Switched To Stalevo From The Individual Carbidopa/levodopa/entacapone Pills?
The combo drug seems less effective, but maybe it's my imagination.
Stalevo is my main Parkinsons drug and I have been on this for about 5 years. It seems to suit me and, combined with other drugs, keeps me functioning
Yes, I changed onto Stalevo. I think its just as effective. It was only changed to reduce the number of pills I was taking in a day. I did have the option to return to the to Sinemet/entacapone if I felt it wasn't as effective.
I have been talking Stalevo almost 3 years now and it seems to be less affective. Might switch to Rytary or take both. Doc said take both. Pharmacist said has to stop Stalevo b4 taking Rytary. Don't know what do. Any suggestions or anyone out there taking both?
Thank you. Now that I've been taking it awhile, it seems to be working just as well also.
I have been taking Stalevo for over a year and find that it does make the levodopa/carbidopa go longer.. I switched from Sinamet. I did not take Comtam.
Has Anyone Used Entacapone (generic For Comtan) ? Taken With Sinimet.
I'm Sure I've Mentioned This Before, But Does Anyone Else Have "down" Times Between Doses Of C/L Or Stalevo?
What Is The Side Effect Of Entacapone 200 Mg. Or Amantadine 100 Mg.???