Dizziness / Confusion
Hi my mom is dizzy a lot and not just when she stands. She is never dizzy when she is laying down. She is on Rytary 3 times a day and her cardiologist has her one pill of Fludicortisone. Her blood pressure is mostly elevated but some times when she stands it drops real low. Any one else on Rytary have the same symptoms? I also noticed in the past 3/4 months she is easily confused and doesn't remember words. Has trouble with simple tasks. She knows she has trouble with remembering words and… read more
I had orthostatic hypotension ( low blood pressure on standing) . At the time it was thought to be a late symptom of Parkinson's. Thinking has changed and I believe it is just another of those "things" that some have and some don't. Every month brings new discoveries. The pace of discoveries is increasing, partly due to these kinds of discussions. It was not that long ago PD folks hid in the shadows and never talked about our symptoms out of shame and society'sthoughts. Thank goodness those times are gone and most of us speak up, question, keep track of things and share our experiences. Keep talking, keep asking, keep trying. There is plenty of time ahead when we might not be able to contribute to the discussion.
Thanks Ollie and Roby... I think once we get bp under control I'm gonna talk to the dr again. Thank you again for your input!
I was on Rytary for 2 months and started getting depressed,couldn't sleep, constipated, getting confused. Then my vision would become blurred by evening time. Had nightmare's, dizzy, lightheaded if I got up to fast. That was enough for me so I weined myself off Rytary. And went back to Sinemt. I feel much better now.
I was put on Rytary. I took it once and was confused and walking sideways. I refused to take anymore, The Dr. took me off.
Hi BevMar,
My moms movement speacilist didn't want to take her off the rytary. She thinks the dizziness is blood pressure related. My mom has been keeping track of her blood pressure and her cardiologist had her on fludicortisone and then added another bp med - nothing changed. Just last week he has her alternating one day fludicortisone the next the other med for one week to see if there is a difference. Then next week he wants to try her off the bp meds to see if there is a change. I'll keep you posted. My friends dad went off his bp meds and feels less dizzy. You want to go off slowly and of course with your Drs permission / observation. Good luck with your husband - so frustrating!!!
Ps - was he ever checked for vertigo? They can do a procedure (eply maneuver) in the Drs office and if it is he will feel better almost right away.
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