I Had Read About Vitamin B One Helping With Parkinson. I’ve Had PD For 18 Years And Was Sliding Rapidly. So I Started Taking Vitamin B1.
I take 1000 mg of B1 every morning and where as I could barely walk I cannot walk without a cane, no brain fog no confusion and just generalized improvement. I read this happened to a certain portion of PD patient but not all I’m lucky. I’m one of them.
I’m rather late on this one. All my days have been great.
Anyone Else Benefit From Smoking A Little Marijuana Or THC My Tremors Go Away Completely After Just One "hit"
You're in the real world Robert, keep it shiney side up
I wish you a pleasant day 😎
Have Any Of You Had A Total Brain Fog. I Did The Unthinkable And Gave My SSI Number To A Complete Stranger On Friday. I Guess Parkinson's?
Hate the brain fog
Does Anyone Know How Many Years SINEMET Works?
That is great news, Thank you 😊
What Does “off” Feels Like ?
Off is when I'm frozen in whatever position I was in, never sitting of course
Down the hallway, 1st door on your left ...... 😄😄😄
My Hwp's Legs Have Been Freezing. Any Suggestions. His BP Has Been Low And Until That Situation Is Taken Care Of Neurologist Won't Do.
For his BP, can you get him to take some salt capsules or drink Gatorade? The orthostatic hypotension is one of my HWP’s biggest issues and while he’s on meds for the low BP, he still has many days… read more
What Is So New About Crexont?
Crexont was approved by the FDA in the US recently (August 9th 2024). As far as I can tell it's just a controlled release L-Dopa product. It's been shown to offer an extra 30 to 90 minutes per day of "on time" compared to immediate release L-Dopa.
But there are other CR formulations; Caramet, Half Sinemet CR...I am sure many others since the rights to Sinemet expired.
Why the excitement over Crexont?
Numbness And Tingling Of Lower Extremities Common With PD?
Nowadays I pretty much think everything relates back to PD. The first few years after diagnosis I didn’t connect the dots
I’ve been told that neuropathy can occur with type 2 diabetes also
… read more
Is Constipation A Symptom Of Parkinson’s
It can be and the meds can aggravate it, too. My HWP takes a shot of Milk of Magnesia and Miralax every day to help, plus a magnesium supplement at bed time.