Does Anyone Else Have Trouble Opening Their Eyes In The Morning? Mine Seem To Be Stuck Shut And I Have To Rub Then Before They Open.
My eye doctor told me that PD causes dry eyes 👀, so have to put drops in my eyes 4 times a day. If I don’t I see double and have blurry vision.
Is There Anyone Who Has Not Taken The Levadopa Drug And Is Trying To Deal With PD In A More Holistic Way?
Should I Stop Taking Levodoba If It Doesn't Help My Tremors? Had PD Tremors In Right Hand For About 2 Years Now And They Slowly Getting Wor
It's important not to stop taking Levodopa without consulting your doctor. While Levodopa may not fully control tremors, it can help with other Parkinson's symptoms. If your tremors are worsening… read more
Will Parkinson Kill A Person
Parkinson's disease itself is not typically the direct cause of death. However, complications from the disease, such as falls, infections like pneumonia, or difficulty swallowing leading to choking… read more
I Have Had PD For Over 20 Years. I Have Tried Levadopa With No Results. Amantadine Seems To Help Alittle. Any Success With Other Drugs?
There are several other medications that may help manage Parkinson's symptoms. Dopamine agonists like pramipexole (Mirapex), rotigotine (Neupro), or ropinirole (Requip) can mimic dopamine's effects… read more
Has Anyone To A Neuropsychologist Exam(5-6 Hrs Long)? What Is It And What Are They Looking For?
I had a series of these exams pre and post Deep Brain Stimulation surgery 2 years ago. My neuropsychologist tested a multitude of non-motor Brain functions such cognitive function, memory recall… read more
My Husband Has Parkinson's. At What Stage Do The Paranoid Feelings Start.
Not everyone gets delusions or hallucinations.
What Helps Tremors Most With Late Stage Parkinsons
For late-stage Parkinson's tremors, treatments often include adjusting medications like [[treatment:levodopa/carbidopa:55d534f51fcaa397470006dd]] to reduce "off" times or adding medications such as… read more
Have Any Of You Had Success With Lixisenatide, A GLP-1 Agonist. Mention Was Made In The Current Issue Of Mayo Clinic Health Letter
How Does Marijuana Work For You?
Helps with sleep. I get THC from a website. It's legal in NYS now and a facility is right up the block from me. One of my sons gets his weed there.