Has Anyone Bit The Inside Of Your Cheek Or Lip While Asleep. This Morning I Woke Up With A Swollen Cheek And Lip.
Biting the inside of your cheek or lip while asleep can happen, especially if you have Parkinson's disease. This could be due to involuntary movements or muscle stiffness. Here are some tips to manage… read more
If You Get Sick After Taking Carbidopa, Do You Take Another Dose Or Skip It?
A couple of times lately my husband has thrown up after taking his morning dose of c/l. Since it hadn't had time to dissolve in his stomach, presumably he didn't get any benefit from the pills. OTOH, if it makes him sick, taking another two pills isn't very appealing.
He has been on c/l for 4 years and though it occasionally upsets his stomach, usually he's able to keep the pills down. I'm not sure why suddenly he's become less tolerant.
When I was on it it made me throw up and my dr put me on promethazine to counteract it...it worked but I later found out that promethazine can contribute to parkinsons. I'm no longer on either one of… read more
How Common Is The Issue Of Wildly Swinging Blood Pressures, And Where Does That Fit In On The Progression Of PD?
My wife's BP is all over the place. She has had issues with orthostatic hypotension, and was prescribed some blood pressure medication to raise her blood pressure while in hospital recently (a long story, that), but it still swings wildly. Since coming back from the hospital stay, she has consistent night time incontinence (only occasional accidents before), and swallowing her pills has become more of an ordeal (she did have to be intubated in the hospital, but soon was back to swallowing her… read more
though apparently having no negative impact on the health of the participants, he published results of the study indicate no improvement in blood pressure for those participants.
Has Anyone Ever Heard Of FUS? Sound Waves To Treat Tremors
@A MyParkinsonsTeam Member - do you know why your doctor wouldn't do ultrasound on you? I know DBS it is most effective for tremors and dystonia, but won't work for cognitive issues and some of the… read more
Have Any Of You Wondered, Or Even Been Told By Your Neurologist, That Your PD May Be Caused By Past Trauma?
While the exact causes of Parkinson's disease (PD) are not fully understood, researchers believe that both genetic and environmental factors play a role. Most cases of PD occur due to an unknown… read more
Is It True That A Break Through Has Been Made In The Connection Between Vegas Nerve, Stomach/brain And Parkinson's By 76% .
If this is accurate, I have oodles of documentation and test results from age 9. 🙄
If I can help make this go away for any other person...
The Vagus nerve is at top of the list. For MANY illnesses and they aren’t just the neurological ones. The Vagus nerve starts by the brain and winds down through the entire body to the tail bone area… read more
I Recently Have Developed A New PD Symptom. On Both Feet My Toes Are Arching & Curling Under. It Is Painful, & Usually Happens At Night. 🤦
I can relate!
How Can I Change The Picture On My Profile?
To change your profile picture, follow these steps:
1. Select the two horizontal lines on the top left corner of your screen
2. Select 'Upload Your Photo'.
3. Choose one of the options provided.
4.… read more
My Husband Is Saying He Can't Move. What Should I Do?
If your husband is unable to move and you believe his life is in danger, you should seek immediate help. Contact emergency services based on your location:
- 911 (USA and Canada)
- 999 (United… read more
Is There Counselors For Parkinson's Patients That Will Travel To A Facility In Salt Lake City, Utah?
You might also check with your insurance company. My Advantage plan has counseling services. You could probably get virtual counseling if it is difficult to travel.