Ayone Familiar With LSVT P0-ysical Theropoy? If So, How Is It Working For You?
My husband did both, at different times. The physical therapist was great. The voice therapist wasn't as good. They are very intensive, 4 days a week, for four weeks, plus practice at home… read more
I Have Developed Severe Itching, Mostly In My Back But Really All Over. Doctors Have Given Me All Kinds Meds. No Help Any Of You Have Soluti
Once again I am glad to know others are scratching too 😄
Can Long-term Use Of Rivoltril (clonazepamfor 14 Years)cause Tremors
How To Deal With Emotional Ups And Downs?
I’m 7 years into this disease; and I’ve learned early on in the course of PD that the only movies, tv shows, books, podcasts etc that I can now tolerate must be comedy!
This vicious disease has… read more
How To Stop My Husband From Removing His Depends At Night And Wetting The Bed? He Has Parkinson's And Cognitive Issues.
Managing nighttime incontinence for someone with Parkinson's and cognitive issues can be challenging. Here are some tips that might help:
1. Bedtime Routine: Establish a consistent bedtime routine to… read more
I’m Having Trouble With Off Time,any Also Having Hard Time Moving In Bed At Night.i
It sounds like you're experiencing some common challenges associated with Parkinson's disease. Here are a few tips that might help:
Managing Off Time
- Consult Your Doctor: They can adjust your… read more
Any Alternative Treatment To Help With Dyskinesia And The OFF Time…???
My husband is taking the traditional sinemet treatment which doesn’t help him with weakness, balance , dyskinesia.
I take pramipexole 1mg four times a day. The dyskinesia was very painful and I do have a DPS but that didn’t help my left side of body. But now I have learned to live with it and I had it since 2012.
I’ve Been Taking C/L For Over Five Years And Suffer From Medicine Induced Dyskinesia. Is There Away To Detox From It To Reduce Dyskinesia?
I’ve been living with YOPD for over 10 years.
I would like to know the answer to that also. Great question.
My Husband Is Suffering With Severe Fatigue After 7 Years Diagnosed. He Is Also Becoming More Confused Daily. Any Thoughts, Advice.
This year has been the worst. He is progressing and if he takes more Carbidopa it makes him dizzier than usual. He was not able to tolerate the generic Arecept for memory because of the dizziness, so we have nothing for now
I'm sorry to hear about your husband's struggles. Here are some insights and tips based on my knowledge base:
Fatigue in Parkinson's Disease
- Physical Exhaustion: This can make even simple tasks… read more
Does Anybody Else Have Problems Getting Their Prescriptions Filled Every Month? Walgreens Is The Worst. There Is Always Something Missing.
I ran out of Oxy today, and so did they. Monday, after 3, they say.
Tammy37, thank you for clearing that up. I hope you have a swell day.