Gp1 Meds To Reduce Inf What Studies Are Their
Is A Magnesium Pill Supplement Ok To Take When You’re Taking Carbidopa/levodopa? If It’s Ok, What Strength.
Magnesium supplements can be beneficial for overall health, but it's important to consult your doctor before adding any new supplement to your regimen, especially when taking Carbidopa/Levodopa. Your… read more
How Do I Get Rid Of The Pain
Managing pain associated with Parkinson's disease can involve several approaches:
1. Medications
- Gabapentin: Helps with nerve pain in various parts of the body.
- Amantadine (Gocovri): Some… read more
Do Tremors Subside With Medication
Medications can help manage tremors in Parkinson's disease, but their effectiveness can vary. Dopaminergic drugs, such as [[treatment:Levodopa/Carbidopa:55d534f51fcaa397470006dd]], are often used to… read more
What Pros And Cons Has Anyone Experienced With The Produodopa Infusion Pump?
I have had one for 4 months and have problems with bruises and lumps not dissipating and little sustained improvement.
The Duopa (Levodopa/Carbidopa) infusion pump has both benefits and potential drawbacks. Here are some pros and cons based on my knowledge base:
- Continuous Delivery: Provides a continuous… read more
How Do You Cope As A Care Partner And Stay Married?
Hello, my husband has parkinsinisms and has been treated for two years now. the biggest struggle right now is what I would call jeckle and Hyde switch constantly between being angry and argumentative to loving and caring. I never know which one I am getting until I am in the thick of it. Trying to remain with him is not an option. He doesn’t conistantly take his medication, won’t share his struggles with his dr and when I do he gets upset with me.. 🤦♀️ I feel like it’s a losing battle and… read more
Coping as a care partner for someone with Parkinson's can be incredibly challenging, especially when dealing with mood swings and medication non-compliance. Here are some tips from my knowledge base… read more
Anybody Having Vision Problems? My Vision Is So Blurry. When Read Or Watch TV It's Like A Shadow Around The Letters And The Faces.
You may be having normal aging problems with your eyes. Remember also that the small muscles round your eyes are affected by Parkinsons, See an eye specialist
Do You Have Both Parkinson's And Essential Tremors?
My body shakes whether I'm trying to do something or relax. Occupational therapy is difficult but I do it three times a week. Both PD and ET have symptoms that overlap, and I do not know sometimes which is which.
(Essential tremors are a related neurological disease it also caused tremors. Essential tremors are an action related tremor whereas Parkinson's tremors are at rest tremors. You have Parkinson's tremors when you relax your tremors begin if you have essential tremors they bother you… read more
No I don’t have essential tremors but I do have Tourette’s syndrome, which is tics rather than tremors . It is also neurological and there is no treatment for it.
Can To Much Carbidopa Levodopa Make You Loose Your Balance?
Thank you, hope your having a great day.
Does Snyome Take Amantadine? Any Side Effects? Does It Work Well?
It seems like you might be asking about Symmetrel (Amantadine) for Parkinson's disease. Here is the relevant information:
- Symmetrel (Amantadine) is used to treat motor symptoms associated… read more