Has Anyone Experienced Their Eyes Closing And Head Jerking?
T, I spend most of my days battling to stay awake.
Really D? I have that problem so bad I fall asleep in the doctors office, and worse yet during cataract surgery when the eyes must be open for the surgeon to see.
I guess we’re in the same club, different states.
I am an expert “sudden sleeper”. My eyes close, my head drops, and sleeping occurs.
RosemaryBravo...no noticeable head jerks...but I've noticed recently that my eyelids are from time to time are harder to open...at times feel like they are glued together...🤠
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How Many Have Had A Diagnosis Of Epilepsy, Particularly Myoclonic, Or Juvenile Myoclonic Epilepsy Before Being Diagnosed With Parkinson Syn.
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